
Throughout my third pregnancy, Rachel was not only my midwife but also my pillar and safe haven. T trusted her completely, which says a lot after having had some traumatic birth experiences. She made time to truly be with me, listened to my worries and frustrations, and above all she HONOURED and ENCOURAGED me to make my own choices which made me feel so EMPOWERED.

Our birth was magical and Rachel’s calming and warm presence was exactly the energy I wanted in my birth space. She encouraged me to tune back in with my own instincts when I started looking for reassurance, because she knew I didn’t want any interventions or checks done. This meant I was able to fully sink back into my own body, instead of looking for outside validation. We had a beautiful homebirth and I would choose Rachel again if we ever jave any more babies. Having had 3 babies and working in the birth world myself, I have seen a lot of midwives. No one has ever come close to the magic Rachel brings with her where ever she goes. She truly is a gem!

Noa, doula



